Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well, I apologize, it has been a really long time since I have blogged. My bad. But better late, than never. I have been studying like crazy. In fact I should be studying for finals right now, but I decided to do this instead. I put some random pictures on to give you an idea of my life. As you can see, this is a picture of me coming home from church being followed by a horse and buggy. Awesome. As some of you may recognize, a few pictures down below is the Penn state Nittnany lion, that i am strangling. I still have some harbored feelings for the Nittany Lions. It's hard to let go O.K.? Actually, I decided I needed to go see them play, being that they have not lost a game.... that's right, not a match, but a game. They are truly undefeated. I had to see them play for myself. They are good. It was fun.


Helen said...

that gym gives me anxiety....i can't wait to see you over Christmas!

Andrea said...

Wow, that picture of the gym is really....I don't know how to feel about it. Isn't it weird that we were out on the floor once? I'm so glad to hear from you. I miss you. I was thinking about you today. I think I missed your birthday. I'm sorry. I'm glad you got to do something fun. Life is too short to not have fun. Good luck on finals. I'm so glad I don't have finals. Love you!!!

lenonnie said...

what are you doing these days? just when i think i have an idea you go and move to PA. i hope you are well.

Erin M said...

Nope, I've never been followed by a horse and buggy. I'm so happy to finally see what you're up to. It's been too long!


Becky said...

wendy- it's becky (warnick)freestone. how are you? i just found your blog through jackies and couldn't resist from being a total blog stalker. we were totally friends back in the day though so i don't know if that qualifies me as a stalker. it was so fun to look through your blog and get caught up with your life and what you've been up to. i can't believe you still have any brain power left. i can't remember the last time i cracked a book to study. you must be a genius after all these years of studying. thanks for always making me laugh then and now. if you are ever really bored you can look at my blog: beckyshae.blogspot.com
really not too exciting, but at least i warned you. please tell chris hi for me. i miss you two so much.

Helen said...

You must be busy studying...but I would love an update:)